Friday, May 30, 2008

Why You Should Consider Blogging for your Business

Many companies don’t realize that blogging can benefit the growth and success of their business.

Here are 4 reasons why I think a company should consider creating a blog:

Blogging can help you become an authority in the industry your company is in. You most likely started your company because you know a lot about it and it interests you, so besides having your website that provides information about your products or services, have a blog with topics about the topics that relate to the industry your company is in.

Get feedback from customers and start a conversation. Having a company blog is a great way for customers to express their thoughts about a blog post discussing your services or products.

Having a blog is all about creating content, and since a blog displays your most recent blog post first, the search engines will definitely crawl your site regularly, boosting search engine rankings.

Having a company blog also allows discussing trends in the business’ particular niche. Discussing trends will show that your customers or potential clients that the company is on top of what is going on in the industry.

Currently the top 3 Blogs when searching for “company blog” in Google:

My favorite out of the 3 would have to be Southwest Airlines blog, since there is a lot of information other than blog posts, such as company news, video, a podcast, photo gallery and even a user poll. I also like the fact that the company uses a lot of social networking sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


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