Thursday, September 30, 2010

Social media leaders Facebook and Twitter Driving Video Referrals

Based on the new Q2 Online Video and Media Industry Quarterly Report released by BrightCove and TubeMogul this month and reported by WebProNews, Facebook and Twitter video referral traffic is growing faster than the traditional search engines. If this trend sustains, look for Facebook to slide into the Number 2 position right behind Google.

I’m not surprised to see that engagement metrics via these social media channels are higher as well. Based on the very nature of social media, sharing good video content amongst friends has never been easier. I remember a time when my inbox was full of video content, now it’s my Facebook newsfeed.

What does this mean for you, internet marketer?

Video should be absolutely be a part of your marketing strategy whether you are using it for brand awareness, lead generation or meeting your ecommerce goals. Why? Because according to the survey 85% of your peers are currently using video as part of their marketing mix and more than 60 percent say they plan to invest more in on-site video initiatives in the next 12 months. With Facebook users watching an average 1:24 minutes of video compared with 0:52 seconds for traffic originating from display ads or Yahoo!, video is great way to reach your audience. Factor in all media verticals and that engagement number goes up to 2:00 minutes.

Other report highlights:

  • Viewers watched 11.8 percent more videos per month in Q2 than last quarter.
  • Brand managers have embraced blended distribution strategies with 80 percent including video on their own brand sites, as well as YouTube and 90 percent distributing video through Facebook.
  • The volume of unique viewers accessing online video grew across all media verticals in Q2 by an average of 2.8 percent per month compared to .05 percent month-over-month growth in Q1.

Do you have a video strategy?


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