Friday, January 11, 2013

Are the Results from Facebook Exchange Really Promising or Really Skewed?

One of Facebook’s partners, Triggit, has released some stats for the new Facebook Exchange (FBX) advertising network for real-time bidding and retargeting. The numbers from the testing phase may have some marketers and advertisers getting really excited, but we’d caution them not to start jumping for joy just yet.
The in-house analyst at Triggit, Hyunyoung Choi, who has previously worked at Facebook, Google and Hyundai, reviewed campaigns from seven different advertisers in retail, travel and printing over a six week period in November and December 2012. Here are some of the numbers:

  • Consumers were 240% more likely to return to an advertiser’s website after being retargeted on Facebook.
  • FBX drove 36% more conversions than retargeting on other platforms like Google Display Network, AdMeld, Pubmatic or Rubicon.
  • 96% more people converted upon view-through as compared to those who never saw an ad but organically re-visited the site and converted.
  • Dynamic creative ads yielded 43% higher click-through rates and one-third lower cost per acquisition compared to static ads.
  • 93% of dynamic creative conversions occurred within the first 50 impressions.

While the possibilities for retargeting and placing dynamic creative in Facebook Exchange certainly seem promising, the test period was during one of the busiest times for e-commerce and the stats come from the retail, travel and printing industries. Hmmm… We may wait on doing the happy dance.


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