Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tomorrow's webinar with @ERontheWeb - Beyond Social Media Marketing: Improving Customer Service and Product Excellence

We are truly excited for tomorrow's webinar, because it dives into the very subject matter that often needs the most focus in the online marketing world: customer service. Since the advent of the Internet and the online brand presence, companies have scrambled to improve their customer service skills in order to better appeal to the consumer and improve product excellence. 

The location and method that a customer wants to communicate is becoming an extremely critical important piece of Social Media. From Facebook to Twitter, social networking IS transforming the world of customer service - enabling businesses to interact with customers like never before. We all need to get ready for the next phase in Customer (Social) Support!

The session will explore Social Media customer support strategies from top companies including Comcast, Zappos and Southwest Airlines, as well as AOL's very own strategy. Discussion will include what works and what doesn't work.

Click here to register for FREE (7-17-13 at 12:30pm EST)

About Erin Robinson:

Erin Robinson is Senior Communications Manager at AOL, driving the newly formed customer support on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and various community forums for AOL. Previously as AOL’s Social Media Manager she developed social listening channels and response mechanisms as well as worked with other teams to create social customer care solutions for their products, programs and services. Erin is AOL champion and evangelist for social support and education for product teams to participate in the social setting. In addition to her roles with AOL, she is also the Social Media Chair for American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and Cure by Design. She has created training and education on the power and need for social presence and support for these activities. 
Prior to that, she worked for USA WEEKEND Magazine (Gannett) as a Market Development Specialist. She has obtained certification in Advanced Social Medial Skills from the University of San Francisco; and is obtaining her PMP certification. If all of that does not spell out her commitment to social media; she has led social media panels and classes, and is developing a blog and training program on the importance of social media to and for customer care. Basically, she is a social media nerd and is happy to be here spreading her nerdiness to all of you. Don’t forget to follow her! @ERontheWeb

Click here to register for FREE (7-17-13 at 12:30pm EST)


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