Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tip Top YouTube Tips

It's been a little while now, but One Channel for Youtube has taken full effect - don't let your company be one of those struggling to compete in the wake of big change.  Here are our top 3 tips for maximizing your YouTube presence post-One Channel:

  1. Create great channel art. Make sure that your new channel art fits the new layout. Unlike Facebook, YouTube is using one size of channel art to cover all sizes of YouTube display and cropping the image to display in different ways depending on whether the channel is being viewed on a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or TV.
  2. Select a great channel trailer. Your channel trailer sets the mood and expectations for your channel. Make sure that it's appealing to your audience, whoever they may be, and includes a pitch to subscribe to the channel - don't sell any of your products or services directly in the trailer. Give people a reason to follow you before you sell to them.
  3. Create intriguing sections. Sections are a great way to get users to watch a lot of your content at once - just make sure that the title of each section intrigues them enough to click and the videos themselves fit neatly into their categories and offer an engaging look at what your company has to offer. Starting viral video campaigns in your sections is another great way to garner attention.

Want to get more One Channel tips and tricks? Get the scoop in this article I wrote for our monthly newsletter.


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