Friday, March 21, 2008

Get Updates On Your Friends Via RSS Through FriendFeed

When you think RSS feeds, you usually think of blog posts from your subscribed blogs. RSS in my opinion is a great way to constantly stay updated, and I recently found a new RSS Feed site called FriendFeed, which updates you on your friends through a personalized RSS feed. FriendFeed aggregates activity from the sites that you choose through web crawling technologies similar to those used by search engines. It’s pretty easy to get started, since you basically need to provide your username and password to the sites that are currently supported. Sites that FriendFeed supports include blogs,, Digg, Flickr, Google Reader, iLike, LinkedIn, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo and YouTube. You can even keep track of friends that don’t have a FriendFeed account but use the supported sites. I think FriendFeed is a pretty neat way to keep you updated on your friends without having to log into the many social networking sites we’re all a part of.


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