Top Tweets That People Have Been Arrested For
@pauljchambers - arrested after tweeting a "joke" airport bomb threat.
Elliot Madison - Arrested for using Twitter to let G20 protesters know where police where moving in Pittsburgh
Daniel Hadyn @CitizenQuasar for tweeting threats to commit mass murder during a tax day Tea Party protest
Nay Kuhn @nykwil used Twitter to call attention to a fellow subway passenger, Lawrence Maguire, 59, who was caught inappropriately touching himself on the public train.
This past July, two people were arrested in Venezuela for posting tweets criticizing their country's banking system.
Jean Anleu Fernandez, @jeanfer, suggested in a tweet that people should withdraw their money from Guatemala's Banrural bank. He was arrested for "inciting financial panic."
25 year-old "Hacker Croll" (Francois Cousteix) was arrested for cracking the Twitter accounts of several high-profile Twitterers, including President Obama, Lily Allen, and Britney Spears.
I wonder why even some of these people even put out the information...what where they thinking?
Elliot Madison - Arrested for using Twitter to let G20 protesters know where police where moving in Pittsburgh
Daniel Hadyn @CitizenQuasar for tweeting threats to commit mass murder during a tax day Tea Party protest
Nay Kuhn @nykwil used Twitter to call attention to a fellow subway passenger, Lawrence Maguire, 59, who was caught inappropriately touching himself on the public train.
This past July, two people were arrested in Venezuela for posting tweets criticizing their country's banking system.
Jean Anleu Fernandez, @jeanfer, suggested in a tweet that people should withdraw their money from Guatemala's Banrural bank. He was arrested for "inciting financial panic."
25 year-old "Hacker Croll" (Francois Cousteix) was arrested for cracking the Twitter accounts of several high-profile Twitterers, including President Obama, Lily Allen, and Britney Spears.
I wonder why even some of these people even put out the information...what where they thinking?
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