Friday, November 12, 2010

Breaking The Rules: Foursquare Style

I've been lagging on my blog responsibilities. I've been working like a dog and there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. Compound those issues with a lack of inspiration and we have a recipe for lagging blog posts, eh?

Well thanks to our good friend @lapp. I'm inspired. You see @lapp and the crew @tengoldenrules have a little running joke going on Foursquare. He likes to stop by and steal the mayorship from our staff members. Let me clarify, he likes to drive by and check in from the parking lot. We never actually SEE him in the office. Consider his check in from last night:

Notice the 1:03am timestamp? Yup. That would be our parking lot. According to an article on TechCrunch, Foursquare has added a "cheater code" that actually checks your GPS to confirm your location (and we all know ways around this) but Mr. Agranoff is probably close enough (considering he's in the parking lot) for this to be a verified check-in in the eyes of Foursquare. I just think it's really comical that he does it.

Here's a funny video on the subject

How do you feel about Foursquare check-ins?

Hey Craig, next time you're in the parking lot, come in and say HI. We'd love to see you. Well, if it's during business hours that is. :-)


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