Improve the Quality Score of Your Landing Pages Google is treating paid search more and more like natural search. More specifically, they are giving preference to "quality" page...
PPC Keyword Research Evolving Google updated their keyword research tool to enhance previous features and add some new ones based on customer feedback. Some of the new f...
Can you help me give away a $406 solid gold bar? I'm a bit embarrassed, let me explain... I normally have catchy titles for my presentations. The first one, "The Ten Golden Rules o...
New Keyword Matching Options Google has long supported keyword matching options in Adwords pay per click campaigns. For those of you who are unfamiliar with keyword matc...
Advertise on the Go Who has time these days to go to their office every time they want to optimize pay per click campaigns , check on performance, or add keywor...
Google Automatic Match When everyone logs into their adwords account on May 20, 2008 they will see a new option, a new checkbox (prechecked and autoenabled) for a ...
Google Updates Display Url Policy After much rumor and speculation. Google announced that effective April 1st (not the Google Hoax ) the display url and the destination must...