Time To Get Creative with Google Analytics Remarketing You may already be familiar with the fact that you can make your Remarketing more powerful via Google Analytics , but it’s time to take it a...
Make Your Remarketing More Powerful via Google Analytics Google Remarketing has proven to be a lucrative tactic for many advertisers. The product is continuously improved upon such as being able t...
One Highlight to Google Enhanced Campaigns When Google Enhanced Campaigns launched a couple of months ago, it received mixed reviews. The constraints of targeting tablet/desktop ver...
Want to Remarket To People Similar to Your Customers? Google Remarketing, also known as Google Retargeting, is a powerful internet marketing tactic. It allows you to reach people who have previ...
Introducing Google AdWords Enhanced Campaigns Google AdWords Enhanced Campaigns have been rolled out to advertisers this month with a plan to upgrade all campaigns in mid-2013. This fea...
Google’s High-Priced Keywords We all have certain keywords that we bid on but feel are overpriced. We get that sour puckered face every time we are forced to bid a little...